Good Timing for Big Momentum in your Sales Career

Good Timing for Big Momentum in your Sales Career

We’ve recently seen a surge in resume requests for professionals seeking sales promotion and career momentum which got us thinking about the specific requirements recruiters and executives are seeking. As resume writers, it’s always interesting to connect skills on paper to what really motivates personnel to seek higher positions.

So what’s going on out there that sparked this current career momentum?

There’s potential we’re seeing the increase as a result of more companies making the connection between the marketing and sales departments which in turn is driving in-house competitiveness in both departments.

Are you familiar with the term smarketing?

The concept was first introduced by the masterminds at Hubspot in 2008 and is only now becoming more widely implemented. The idea is to create a hybrid role evolving from the amplified skills of both marketing and sales professionals.

Smarketing Goal: Create a common integrated approach to streamline strategy, communication, and realtime workflow efforts.

Read more on specifics of Smarketing here:

So, how do you ready yourself to make a move?

Step 1: Hire a really really REALLY
amazing resume writer (like us!) who spends all day immersed in multi-industry verbiage and stays updated on current ATS requirements.

More often, at the higher career levels, unless you’re changing structures within your current company, you’re going to need a powerful resume to make it past modern-day applicant tracking systems or ATS’s.

What the heck is ATS? In short, ATS is a software that manages the recruiting and hiring process. Learn the details here. If you’re in the game at higher career levels, these tracking systems must be your ally.

Not feeling the need to hire resume professionals? No problemo. You’ve always got the option to go-it solo. Check out these helpful career tips offered by the good folks at Top Resume

Speaking from our perspective, the #1 client feedback received on why our clients looked to hire a professional resume writer is that they are not gaining traction on recent application processes.

“I have a diverse background but am having difficulties explaining my skills on paper.”

“The current resume, I wrote, and have sent over 50 applications but i’m not getting interviews”

“I believe the resume is the issue.”

“How do I frame my diverse experiences and accomplishments to capture the interest of hiring managers?”

Step 2: Evaluate your current skills.

Quote: There's a good chance you already have the skills to gain sales career momentum.

Now, we could list a million key skills required to succeed in sales,
but none of it would be anything new-to-you. If you’re currently succeeding in sales,
you already have what it takes to keep building out your path.

Advancing in sales is more than doing a good job and waiting in line for the next opportunity. It’s about understanding where your company is growing and
identifying how to serve the needs of the business before those needs become
problems or major initiatives.

That’s how you become a person people are excited to work with AND walk the path to exponential career growth.

Fun fact tho: Sometimes to get the growth, you may find yourself in a financially less-fulfilling role, on-route to your target position. This type of growth won’t always feel like progress. Yes, it’s sticky and uncomfortable. And you may make a few perceived steps backward to gain traction on a major step forward.

Planning momentum in sales career with notebook and mac computer.

In summary, we learned that when it comes to sales promotions, the world is your oyster – there are countless career paths to choose from in sales. It’s just a matter of discovering what you enjoy doing most and where you want to end up.

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